Alexander Pope
Engelsk poet
Levde fra: 1688 - 1744
Kategori: Poeter (Moderne) Land: Storbritannia
Født: 21 mai 1688 Døde: 30 mai 1744
Sitater 1 inntil 7 av 7.
De mest positive mennene er de mest godtroende.
Opprinnelig:The most positive men are the most credulous.
Thoughts on Various Subjects (1754)― Alexander Pope -
De mest positive mennene er de mest godtroende.
Opprinnelig:The most positive men are the most credulous.
Thoughts on Various Subjects (1754)― Alexander Pope -
Den karakteren i samtalen som vanligvis passer for behagelig, består av høflighet og usannhet.
Opprinnelig:That character in conversation which commonly passes for agreeable, is made up of civility and falsehood.
Thoughts on Various Subjects (1754)― Alexander Pope -
Hver mann har akkurat så mye forfengelighet som han ønsker forståelse.
Opprinnelig:Every man has just as much vanity as he wants understanding.
Thoughts on Various Subjects (1754)― Alexander Pope -
Hvor enn jeg finner en stor grad av takknemlighet hos en fattig mann, tar jeg det for gitt, det ville vært like mye raushet om han var en rik mann.
Opprinnelig:Wherever I find a great deal of gratitude in a poor man, I take it for granted, there would be as much generosity if he were a rich man.
I: Jonathan Swift - Thoughts on Various Subjects (1711-1726)― Alexander Pope -
Når mennesker blir dydige i sin alderdom, ofrer de bare djevelens etterlatte offer til Gud.
Opprinnelig:When men grow virtuous in their old age, they only make a sacrifice to God of the devil's leavings.
I: Jonathan Swift - Thoughts on Various Subjects (1711-1726)― Alexander Pope -
Noen mennesker vil aldri lære noe, av denne grunn, fordi de forstår alt for tidlig.
Opprinnelig:Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon.
I: Jonathan Swift - Thoughts on Various Subjects (1711-1726)― Alexander Pope
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